Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How to learn more about Lean-Agile

Several people who have taken recent courses have asked "where do we find a discussion group where we can learn more about agile?"

Here are some answers.

First, find local people.

Agile Alliance has a list of agile groups. And the Scrum community has identified some local groups (often the same ones) here. In fact, the Scrum community has identified its community more broadly and specifically, here.

What are other ways to learn? Certainly there are many books. Here is a list, although not complete.

There are discussion groups, especially on Yahoo. Here are my top four:


There are other very good ones.

And there are some good blogs as well. Carnival of the Agilists highlights better blog posts. And the Scrum community has listed a lot of great blogs. And don't forget the blogs in the Blog Roll to the right (some repetition in these lists).

That should get you more than started.

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