Here are the issues this group thought were important. Many are
‘issues’ in a waterfall model. Not necessarily in priority order. Not
necessarily impediments in an Agile model. Some are vague here (stated
in few words), but I think they knew what they really meant.
- Management apathy
- Unclear goals
- Too much process
- Changing requirements
- Insufficient people
- Work overloaded
- Large team
- Redundant skillset
- Internal compertition
- Single out individuals
- Late request
- Project cancelled
- Newly formed team
- Distributed
- More layers (different teams)
- Too many scope creeps
- Not enough executive engagement
- Not good leadership
- Delays from vendor
- Not enough knowledge in team to solve issues
- Tasks not properly assigned to team members
- Didn’t allocate enough time for unknowns
- Team was told what / when
- Management and Execs painting a different picture
- Blame / “steamrolling”
- Forced to “report” waterfall way
- No clear product owner